Friday, June 12, 2015

Universe Expansion - The Fine Points

People who find it difficult to understand that recession is without limit usually make the mistake of thinking that the receding galaxies are projectiles shooting away through space. This is an incorrect view; the correct picture consists of galaxies at rest in expanding space.
Edward R. Harrison, Cosmology - The Science Of The universe, p. 216

There is nothing that makes the Oracle of Ottawa cringe more than when a media cosmologist uses the expanding balloon or the raisin cake cake analogy to explain the expansion of the universe. Accepting this very simplified view is the cause of many problems farther down the road so to speak.

The Great Dark Horse Nebula

It is also very strange that the current Big Bang cosmology has a very big reliance upon the continual expansion of the universe. They claim that it is one of the simple proofs that the universe popped out of a singularity at a specified time in the past, some 13.8 billion years ago, sort of the 20th century version of Bishop Usher all over again.

But it is also very strange that the Steady State universe also requires an expanding universe, but as far as the Oracle of Ottawa is concerned the reason why the Steady State expansion actually happens is so much simpler to understand. We will discuss this in detail more in a future post.

This is all pretty disturbing stuff to someone who has been alive long enough to remember the shock that there was quiet likely to be more than one galaxy. This idea didn't really start coming into standard thinking until the 1960's. Now at the time of this writing there are observed to be at least 400 billion galaxies in the observable universe.

And the Oracle of Ottawa hates to tell you Dear Reader, but this figure will greatly expand in your lifetime, as a matter of fact I will even go so far to predict that it will not be long that the only conclusion one can come to is that the Universe is infinite and unbound after all...

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